Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Maus Q&A: Page 230/231

What do you notice about the level of detail in the drawings of Auschwitz? How is the narrative voice being used in conjunction with this?
The diagrams are quite detailed and dark. It shows the grime on the floor and the sketching is quite strong. This experience for Vladek would have been quite strong, so he cal recall it well. It's interesting how Art chose to draw a birds-eye view of the 

What is the effect of the only piece of dialogue on these pages?
The dialogue is extremely emphasised as it is the only dialogue on the double page. I think it is supposed to shock the reader and become quite confronting. The fact that the character can talk about the dead bodies so casually makes the reader feel uncomfortable and therefore thinks about it more.

The figures are drawn quite differently from the background. What is the effect of this?
Through the use of shading, the grimy background is contrasted to the white characters in the foreground. The characters are made to look pure and different.

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